Standup Montage:
Drug House Takeover
Dangerous Animal Creeping around Golf Course
Homeless Veterans
Child Injured by shotgun
Karen loves telling stories. She considers herself a social detective - discovering news that affects you! Her News Director, Willy Walker, says that, “Karen spends countless hours communicating with sources and contacts.” A viewer wrote in just recently that, “Ms. Hopkins reports are very good, informative and seem to always get to the issues that interest me.” It’s what she’s always wanted to do!
She started college at E.W. Scripps School of Journalism in Athens. Her summers were spent in one internship after another. In 2005 she did her first stent at WKRC in her hometown. In the spring of 2006 she did three months with the Universidad Pública de Navara. She got the first real taste of the biz from the ground up. The following summer she set her sights a little higher and got an internship with Geraldo at Fox News Channel. The following summer it was CNN in the DC Bureau. She also helped in the investigation of a Louisiana senator’s escort service scandal. I don’t think you can ask for a more diverse seasoning of this business.
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University March 2008
Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Major: Broadcast Journalism, Minor: Spanish
Deans List, GPA: 3.95/4.0
Scripps Howard Top Ten Award Nominee (2008)
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism - Helen Hoover Memorial Scholarship
Ohio Associated Press Broadcasters Scholarship (2007)
Broadcast Education Association - Alexander M. Tanger Scholarship
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism - Jesse/Ruth Zousmer Scholarship
KTAL-TV: Reporter, Photographer, Editor:
Shreveport, LA 7/08 to present
WOUB Radio/Television News: Reporter, Editor, Photographer, WOUB Online Host, Producer,Anchor Athens, OH 9/04 to 5/08
CNN: Intern - Newsroom
Washington, DC 6/07 to 8/07
Fox News Channel: Intern - Geraldo at Large
New York City, NY 6/06 to 8/06
WKRC-TV Local 12: Intern
Cincinnati, OH 6/05 to 8/05
WVXU Radio Internship Cincinnati, OH 6/03 to 8/03
Proficient in Final Cut Pro, Avid and linear editing. Experience with photography, Netia, ENPS, iNews.
Study Abroad: Universidad Pública de Navara Pamplona, Spain 3/06 to 6/06
Terry Anderson for U.S. Senate Campaign Volunteer Athens, Ohio, 9/04 to 11/04
Pi Beta Phi Sorority Member Athens, Ohio, 1/06 to 8/07
Friday, January 8, 2010
Friday, August 10, 2007
Karen Hopkins CNN
Click here to read a story I wrote for the CNN political ticker.
Read my article on Bill Richardson's outlook on Iran.
Click here and scroll down to read about the return of the bald eagle.
After a two year battle, the court ruled in favor of the drycleaners. I was at the news conference outside the humble laundry shop. I wrote and edited this package...with guidance from one of the best CNN editors!
Click here to read a story I wrote for the CNN political ticker.
Read my article on Bill Richardson's outlook on Iran.
Click here and scroll down to read about the return of the bald eagle.
After a two year battle, the court ruled in favor of the drycleaners. I was at the news conference outside the humble laundry shop. I wrote and edited this package...with guidance from one of the best CNN editors!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Senator Vitter Caught in a Scandal
Written and Edited by K.Hopkins
I was part of the CNN investigative team researching the DC Madame's phone list. Click here to see what we found so far.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Immigration Protest: Viva La Familia!
Many immigrant children are left behind when their fathers are deported--Immigrant families and supporters march to the White House in protest.
I marched with the could feel the determination and emotion in the air.
I also got to interview a Mexican woman who speaks only Spanish. My seven years of Spanish classes and study abroad experience in Spain allowed me to interview her successfully!
-Written and Edited by K.Hopkins
I marched with the could feel the determination and emotion in the air.
I also got to interview a Mexican woman who speaks only Spanish. My seven years of Spanish classes and study abroad experience in Spain allowed me to interview her successfully!
-Written and Edited by K.Hopkins
Friday, March 30, 2007
My Résumé

This is the studio at Ohio University's WOUB. That's where I work all year. My mom is sitting next to me. Both my parents are wonderful!

After my Freshman year of college I interned at WKRC, Local 12 in Cincinnati. I got to go out with reporters and put together my own packages. This was my first time putting together stories for TV.

Last Summer I interned at the Fox News Channel in New York City. I worked on the show "Geraldo at Large." Geraldo and the entire crew are great people to work with!
I got to meet many of the on-air talents...including Bill O'Reilly

My Résumé
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University
Bachelor of Science in Journalism, Expected March 2008
Major: Broadcast Journalism, Minor: Spanish
Deans List, GPA: 3.95/4.0
Ohio Associated Press Broadcasters Scholarship Winner 2007/2008
Nominated: E.W. Scripps School of Journalism Top Ten Award 2007/2008
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism Scholarship Winner2007/2008Helen Hoover Memorial Scholarship
Broadcast Education Association Scholarship Winner 2006/2007 Alexander M. Tanger Scholarship
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism Scholarship Winner 2006/2007 Jesse/Ruth Zousmer Scholarship
CNN, Newsroom Intern, Washington, DC 6/07 to 8/07
Covered events and wrote wires for and the political ticker
Edited and wrote six packages
Worked at the assignment desk answering phones and making calls for stories, like the Minnesota bridge collapse.
Gathered background information for stories
Assisted producers and reporters on shoots
Traveled with photographers to news conferences and reported back to the bureau.
Transcribed tapes, organized and delivered scripts for Wolf Blitzer and The Situation Room B-Control.
Trained in iNews
Took writing classes with Senior Copy Editor John Dedakis
Investigative reporting: researched phone numbers for two weeks regarding the DC Madame Escort Service
Mentored in Final Cut Pro Editing by CNN editor Roger Hommel
Prepared a directory of emergency contacts
The Fox News Channel Internship, Geraldo at Large New York City 6/06 to 8/06
Researched stories, found contacts, background information and appropriate b-roll from tape library
Pitched story ideas to producers
Learned and utilized iNEWS
Attended weekly seminars with: Greta Van Susteren, Shepard Smith, Neil Cavuto, Roger Ailes
Organized, labeled, logged, cued-up, and delivered tapes to editors throughout the building
Assisted Geraldo during shoots and stand-ups
Greeted and directed guests
Downloaded photos and mugshots from AP Image and AP photo
WKRC-TV Local 12 (CBS Affiliate) Internship Cincinnati, Ohio 6/05 to 8/05
Composed packages: performed stand-ups, organized video clips, wrote script, recorded voice.
Operated ENPS daily and learned broadcast commands.
Wrote stories for newscasts, which were critiqued and cleared by producers.
Traveled with reporters and received guidance on interviewing, making packages, presentation, delivery, story preparation.
Researched and found information for stories, which I recommended to producers and reporters.
Worked at the assignment desk, answered phone calls and took notes for potential stories, made beat calls, received, analyzed and organized faxes, and checked traffic online.
Traveled with photographer: conducted interviews and got sound bites for newscasts.
Operated linear editing machines, beta tapes, dv cam.
WOUB Radio/ Television News: Internet Podcaster, Producer, Reporter, Photographer, Anchor, Editor Athens, Ohio, 9/04 to present
Launched internet podcast project at WOUB: a weekly internet compilation of feature stories, available on, and I-tunes. I choose content, edit together, and convert file to web.
Pitched story ideas, researched background, scheduled interviews and wrote promos as a long-form, or in-depth story producer.
Composed in-depth reports as a long-form reporter; conducted interviews, shot video, wrote packages, edited packages using Final Cut Pro, converted story for radio use.
Wrote stories for WOUB-TV’s Newswatch, incorporated AP stories, and pathfire stories.
VOSOT Reporter, and photographer
Delivered FM radio news broadcasts weekly.
Learned and utilized: software Netia, ENPS operating system, Final Cut Pro Editing, Camera photography, framing and lighting.
Downloaded stories from OPR and transferred them to WOUB’s Netia system.
Gathered news from Gallia County, as a beat reporter. Composed a weekly report of story tips by information gained from contacts (ex: mayor, commissioners, city council etc)
Mentored and trained new WOUB volunteers.
RTNDA Member (Radio and Television News Directors Association) Athens, Ohio, 9/04 to present
Listened to speakers and attended lectures
Practiced and recorded mock television newscasts
Interacted with seniors in broadcast journalism and received advice and guidance.
WVXU Radio Internship Cincinnati, Ohio, 6/03 to 8/03
Observed radio talk shows and introduced to technical operations
Mentored, guided, and advised by members of WVXU staff.
Study Abroad: Universidad Pública de Navara Pamplona, Spain 3/06 to 6/06
Studied Spanish literature, culture, poetry and history
Enhanced Spanish language skills and world understanding
Lived with Spanish-speaking family
Terry Anderson for U.S. Senate Campaign Volunteer Athens, Ohio, 9/04 to 11/04
Wrote letters of support to local newspapers called local voters
Promoted candidate on campus and distributed flyers and stickers
Attended a rally featuring Terry Anderson and John Edwards.
Received journalistic guidance from Terry Anderson, a renowned journalist.
Pi Beta Phi Sorority Member Athens, Ohio, 1/06 to 8/07
Attended weekly meetings
Organized events and prepared for recruitment and initiation
Participated in philanthropy projects
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